"Whether we’re children or adults, adding to our emotional vocabulary can often add to our ability to cope with what we’re feeling. Using words to describe what’s inside helps remind us that what we’re experiencing is human...and mentioning our feelings to others can make those feelings more manageable."

Mr. Rogers


Download them, print them and use them to build your FEELINGS VOCABULARY.

The more you know about your feelings the more you will know about your needs.

Your Five Step Self Time Outs will become more and more effective.  The plans you make will work better and better for you.  Your communications with loved ones and at work will become more and more functional.


The list to the right has seven columns.  The words at the top of each column are Feeling Words that most people know and use.  Below each of these familiar feeling words are alpabeticcal lists of additional feeling words that have the same overall meaning as the word at the top but will be more specific.


Feeling words in each language often develop from actual body sensations.  The body is our only contact with reality.  What your body FEELS right now determines what you NEED right now. If you can identify what you FEEL and NEED right now you can make a PLAN THAT WILL WORK for you right now.


If I feel Quiet I may need to Wait until I know what to say.   If I feel Thirsty I may need to get some Water.  I may feel Quiet and Thirsty at the same time.  I can choose to stop talking and get some water.  If I do that PLAN the way I feel will certainly improve at least a little bit.


Every Plan that works is based on our true Feelings and Needs.


When I know what I FEEL... what I NEED becomes clear.  When I know what I FEEL and then know what I NEED the PLAN that will work comes to mind rather simply.


You can choose to use the list to enlarge your feeling vocabulary.  If you are trying to take a Self Time Out but are not sure what your body is trying to tell you about your feelings, check this list and you are likely to come upon a word that fits the way your body feels.  You may come up with several.


Use the words you choose to help you identify what needs are most important. Use your insights about Feelings and Needs to make Plans that will work better.  Even better Plans have a down side.  Study the outcome of your Plans to get Feeling Clues that will help you improve your Plans.  Use your insights about Feelings and Needs to communicate with your co-parent or co-worker or trusted friend to find out what agreements can be made.



When I am hard on myself in ANY WAY I will be very uncomfortable working with my feelings and I am likely to stop trying.  I may not be aware of my deeply repressed guilt and shame.  I may need to work with a good therapist  before my feelings and needs become available to me.  We are taught to feel guilt and shame to reduce our power in our family.  When we recognize the need to have boundaries with our guilt and shame we will become less brutal with ourselves and others.  We will start to grow in amazing ways that will make our lives safer and more productive.  This will happen because our feeling vocabulary will get much larger and we begin to make better plans.


Here are some visual feeling lists that we hav collected over the years.  Many people do better learning about feelings with a visual representation of the Feeling.


Please CLICK, download and PRINT.

© All Rights Reserved

Chuck Britt, MA, LMFT and Connie Bonner-Britt, MA, LMFT